The Hotel Britomart

Resident was proud to supply Furniture and Lighting into, recently completed The Hotel Britomart, designed by long standing Resident designers, Cheshire Architects.

Jardan - Commercial Bay

Investment and advisory group Jarden recently occupied Level 32 of the PwC Tower in Commercial Bay, Auckland New Zealand.

DLA Piper

Global law firm DLA Piper recently moved its Auckland office to new premises in the PwC Tower in Commercial Bay.


Designer Series - Léonard Kadid Interview

Léonard Kadid is an architect and product designer based in Paris, France. From object to architecture, the work of his studio focuses on structural experimentation and formal simplification to explore the intrinsic characteristics of matter. After 

studying at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland and the École d'Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires in Paris, Léonard collaborated with some renowned international offices, before setting up his own studio.

Léonard’s latest product is the Pier range, which Resident has recently released. This week we got to chat to Léonard about his life as a designer, and we ...</p>

Futur Pension

A new 2000 sqm office for one of Sweden’s leading insurance companies – Futur Pension – located on Linnégatan, Stockholm.